
2017年8月26日—Youarekindofgoingaboutthisinthewrongorder.Trythis:Firstcreatetheloopdevice:sudolosetup/dev/loop0/root/virtual.ext4.,2018年11月26日—一种是rawext4image(即rawimage),使用file观察:其特点是完整的ext4分区镜像(如果未使用满则使用0进行填充),可以直接使用mount进行挂载,因此 ...,2020年9月11日—Hello,CanyoushowmeHowtomountbackup.img.raw(anext4imagefile)onthehostatamountpointofyourchoice?...


2017年8月26日 — You are kind of going about this in the wrong order. Try this: First create the loop device: sudo losetup /dev/loop0 /root/virtual.ext4.

制作ext4 img的两种方式原创

2018年11月26日 — 一种是raw ext4 image(即raw image),使用file观察:其特点是完整的ext4分区镜像(如果未使用满则使用0进行填充),可以直接使用mount进行挂载,因此 ...

How to mount backup.img.raw(an ext4 image file) on the ...

2020年9月11日 — Hello, Can you show me How to mount backup.img.raw(an ext4 image file) on the host at a mount point of your choice? thank you.

Easily mount a .img file on Linux

Per default it just mounts the first one. Creating image files. To create raw image files you can use fallocate. # make a ~1gb image ...

Is there a way to mount an EXT4 volume image in Windows ...

2011年2月16日 — 6 Answers 6 · To mount a image just drag it onto OSFMount.cmd (or it's link). · File association is also as simple - just choose OSFMount.cmd in ...


2012年9月4日 — I'm running Slackware 13.37 (64bit). used ext4 on all the partitions. resized the root partition with gparted live cd. I've tried: mount -t ...

Creating an Ext4 Filesystem Image File

2021年10月23日 — 6. Mount the image file to the newly created directory by running the following command. ... sudo mount ext4.img ext4/. 7. Switch to the newly ...

How can I create an image of a partition (ext4) and later ...

2019年9月12日 — e2image can be used to create an image of an ext4 file system, while only copying sectors which are in use:

Create a File Image Container or Filesystem in a File

2023年3月8日 — Let's review how our new record's fields are mapped: the path to the image file is set to /img/myfs.img; /mnt/myfs is the mount point; ext4 is ...